Thursday, January 28, 2010

Keeping The Fate

I don’t know about you but I’m a huge believer in Fate. To me, it’s not only a force which shapes and guides our lives, but it’s also a person. The way it throws things at us when we least expect it, the means with which it shrewdly manoeuvres us through the course of our lives and its ability to make us experience a myriad emotions and spectacular views. Fate is the ‘reason’ in ‘everything happens for a reason’. It prods and pokes us gently with ‘What is meant to be is just meant to be’. For years, I’ve tried to figure out how accurate these sayings actually are, mistaking them for useless proverbs made up by a bunch of completely clueless Chinese people. But everything does really happen for the best and things which don’t usually seem right can just be a blessing in disguise. Trust me, I know. It just takes a rather long while to see it.

Sure, it’s responsible for the maximum number of natural disasters, plane crashes and train derailments for the last few centuries. It’s also guilty of several murders, untimely deaths, other countless turmoil and turbulence and damage to the mental health of many innocent people out there. It’s almost as if Fate must’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed and been forced to find out that there’s no coffee at his house, on those days.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mid-Morning Musings

Robert Frost was right. Life certainly does go on. Though sometimes it feels like it’s at an absolute standstill. Don’t you find yourself sometimes in a rut, going from morning to evening at the same velocity and through the same itinerary? Ever been so deplorably bored of life and society that you begin doing things in a sleepy daze? Because from time to time, people keep propelling themselves through all the days, weeks, months and years, battling the seemingly stormy sea of the same old jobs, same people and same type breakfast cereal every morning. Think about it.

‘Innocent’ little school kids are forced to trudge grumpily to school every day only because it’s the law. Though there is some momentary ‘enthusiasm’ during exams. The same goes for teachers too. Their surly countenance looms up before you, as they prepare to teach the same chapter which they’ve only just finished explaining to the previous two classes. College students applying to all the big universities around the world would probably be having daily nightmares of exam papers stalking them. Thirty-something year olds obediently oscillate from their homes to their desks and cubicles at their offices. The senior citizens and old folks do seem to enjoy their long retirement by watching television shows, eating ancient fruitcake and barking orders into the phone. But they can get a little too comfortable by that routine.

Apart from the aforementioned long, drawn-out daze, have you ever gotten to a point where you find the people from society starting to get on your nerves? Where they just seem to be too conventional, too conforming and all of a sudden, extremely annoying? Well, I’m not exactly a people person but I can tell you that half of the scenery around me is inhabited by people falling prey to mob psychology, getting influenced and swayed by the people around them. I mean, it’s like school all over again. Everyone’s the same. Where’s a Howard Roark when you really need one?