The funny thing about sleep is that it doesn’t always come when you want it to. Sometimes, I feel tired enough to doze off yet once I tuck myself in, I feel wide awake. While at other times, my mind tends to work overtime at precisely the moment I want it to rest. It’s usually an hour after I’ve tucked myself in, that I manage to get some of that much coveted REM.
They say that the simultaneous counting of sheep has been known to help. You know, when you count one sheep after another as they jump over a small fence. That’s never really worked for me, though. Instead of actually counting the sheep individually, I actually start to question and inquire the effectiveness of the method. Why sheep? Why not horses or badgers or otters? There’s an entire animal kingdom waiting out there, and yet the proprietor of this method picked sheep as the chosen form of visual imagery. Was he or she a farmer? Was he or she an animal rights activist? Or did he or she simply find sheep amusing? I guess we’ll never know.
Another procedure involves me playing a song in my head that can effectively drown out all my thoughts, musings and aforementioned questions. That tends to work quite well for me. But there will be one of those rare instances where the lyrics and melody are compelling enough to keep me awake and my foot moving along with the beat.
Writing this blog post seems to count as another method too. My eyes are beginning to close.
Sheep are like clouds ! White. Changing shapes. So many that you cant count them. And trying to count puts you to sleep. Hopefully.
ReplyDeleteI think it is the repetition and monotony that really induces the relaxation followed by some zzz. Something to calm and quieten our overflowing continuous thoughts. The mind however is like a jack in the box, or a slinky, as you try very hard to slowly push it back, it keeps popping up!!
ReplyDeleteAlthough sometimes I feel I think more clearly when I try to sleep. Then there are times when I just enjoy the depth and sounds of the starlit night. It's like your own personal time with the universe.Not falling asleep is not such a bad thing after all.
"Sleeping like a baby"-- I think ---is a figment of imagination or should I say wishful thinking, these days.
Happy thoughts and Sweet Dreaming!!